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Artistic Literacy

Drake students will learn to interpret and/or create art. Art constructs an essential and ongoing dialogue among individuals, cultures, and societies. Art—whether it takes visual, musical, or theatrical form—grows out of sustained intellectual inquiry. Drake students will recognize that art provides distinctive ways to engage the world and create expressions of the human condition. Courses that fulfill this AOI will engage students to achieve at least two of these student learning outcomes. Students will be able to:

  1. Identify the characteristics of different artistic styles - visual, musical, or theatrical - and the factors that contributed to their establishment.
  2. Articulate the role played by an art form - visual, musical, or theatrical - in the development of culture(s) or as a distinctive expression of human identity and creativity.
  3. Articulate an analytical and reasoned understanding of a specific visual, musical, or theatrical art form and communicate this understanding in an appropriate form, whether oral or written or through the artistic medium itself.
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of the visual, musical, or theatrical arts through the application of or engagement with an art form.

Approved Course List:

ART 013 Design
ART 014 Constructing Space
ART 015 Observational Drawing
ART 019 Microcosm, Macrocosm
ART 021 Digital Media
ART 050 Idea of Design
ART 060 Walking: Making Art Out There (occasional, summer term)
ART 063: Pushing Paint
ART 070 Art & Chemistry
ART 071 Blacksmithing and the Art of Utility
ART 072 Contemporary Textile & Fiber Art
ART 074 Intro to Art
ART 075 Themes in Art History
ART 078 Repurpose and Recycle
ART 079 Building Ideas
ART 090 Drawing in Time
ART 099 Planets: An Art Studio
ART 103 Art of India, China and Japan
ART 108 American Art History
ART 111 Cultural Intersections C. 1900
ART 112 Special Topics in Art History
ART 112 Race, Personhood and Citizenship: Building an Exhibition
ART 113 Current Chinese Art & Issues
ART 118 American Landscapes
ART 119 The Material World of Art
ART 145 Drawing the Figure
ART145 Soft Sculpture
ART 150 Special Topics/Graphic Design
ART 153 Bookbinding Workshop
ART 167 Introduction to Letterpress Printing
ART 177 Art and Perception
ART 185/ HONR 185: Monuments and Memory
BIO 061 Nature Photography
CHEM070/ART 070: Art and Chemistry
EDUC 113 Arts Integration in Education
ENG 026 Suburbia in Film
ENG 027 Imaging the City
ENG 041 Introduction to Film Study
ENG 105 Aesthetics of Everyday Life
ENG 134: Transatlantic Landscapes: Art & Literature in Britain & America, 1750-1850. (previously ENG 130 - 10.08.18)
JMC 058 Into to Visual Communication for Non-Majors
JMC 059 Intro to Visual Communication
HONR087 – Music and Literature
MUS 011 Fundamentals of Music
MUS 073 Music Since 1900
MUS 078 Intro to Jazz
MUS 080 Music in Western Culture


MUS 081 World Music
MUS 082 World Music (for non-music majors)
MUS 119 Music and Politics
MUS 160: Music Through Play
MUS 160 Kind of Blue-Miles Davis
MUS 160: Recording and Producing the Virtual Ensemble
MUS 160 Suicide, Seduction, & Sopranos: a Survey of the Great Operas
MUS 160 Fine Arts Travel Seminar: Home of the Masters
MUS 160 Music of the Movies
MUS 160: Music and the Great War
PHIL 148 Philosophy of Art
POLS 109: US-Japan Relations Through Film
SPAN 152 Spanish Film
THEA 005 Readings in Theatre
THEA 018 Beginning Modern Dance
THEA 030/030L Stagecraft I (Fall 2006 to present)
THEA 032 Stage Makeup
THEA 074 Contemporary Film
THEA 076 Intro to Theatre
THEA 114 Classic American Film
THEA 120 Theatre History to 1600
THEA 120 Theatre History I
THEA 121 Theatre History II
THEA 123 American Musical Theatre
AP - Art
AP - Music Lit
AP - Humanities and Fine Arts Subtest

The Artistic Experience area can also be fulfilled
by combining any three of the following one credit courses:

MUS 145, 148, 149, 150, 169-182, 185-191, 194,196, 197, 198

Note: Courses previously designated FA 18, 74, 76, 78, 80 and 81 have changed to Thea 018, Art 074, Thea 076, Mus 078, Mus 080 and Mus 081.

Critical Thinking

The Drake Curriculum makes an intentional effort to help students acquire the skills for rational analysis and argumentation. Critical Thinking should be purposeful, rigorous, self-reflective, and based on a careful consideration of evidence. Students learn to:

  • Clearly define a question or problem.
  • Gather information that is relevant to that problem.
  • Rigorously identify assumptions and preconceptions, including their own, that influence analysis of that problem.

Approved Course List:

ACCT 041 Intro. Accounting I
ART 050 Idea of Design
ART 082 World Building
ART 111 Cultural Intersections
ART 112 Museums
ART 150 Failure
ART 185. HONR 185: Monuments and Memory
BIO 099 Biological Research & Statistical Methods
BLAW 060 Business Law
COUN 224 Adolescent and Adult Assessment
CS 010 Preview of Computer Science
CS 065 Introduction to Computer Science
EDUC/STEM 174 Inquiry and the Natures of Science, Technology and Engineering
EDUC 199/299 Perspectives on Education from Finland
EDUC 199 Australia and US - Comparative Equity & Access
ENG 030 Genre: The Documentary
ENG 037 Public Voices
ENG 038 Literary Study
ENG 039 Writing Seminar
ENG 081 Intro to English Linguistics
ENG 102 Structure of Modern American English
ENG 107 Teaching Writing: Theory and Practice
ENG 138 Argumentation and Advocacy
ENG 139 Language & Logic

ENG 173 Critical Theory
ENG 174 Theories of Language and Discourse
HSCI 060 Statistics in Health Sciences
INTD 075 Community Dialogue and Development
JMC 076 Advertising Principles
JMC 130 Advertising Research
LPS 135 Crime & Film
LPS 135: Farms and Forks in Italy: Global Food Security and Sustainability
MATH025: Structure of Math for Elem. Ed
MATH 101 Mathematical Reasoning
MUS 053 Materials of Music IV
PATH 100 Paths to Knowledge
PHAR 117 Evolving Healthcare Paradigms: Past, Present and Future of the US Healthcare System
PHAR 169 Non-Prescriptions Medications
PHAR 172 Basic Quantitative Methods
PHAR 173 Applied Quantitative Methods for Pharmaceutical Care
PHIL 021 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 051 Logic and Critical Thinking
PHIL 090 Ethics
PHIL 100/RHET 100 Philosophies of Dialogue and the Interpersonal


PHIL 104 Philosophic Classics: The Ancient Period
PHIL 106 Philosophic Classics: The Modern Period
PHIL 107 Philosophic Classics: The Contemporary Period
PHIL 118 Feminist Ethics
PHIL 124 Health and Social Justice
PHIL 137 Rights and Responsibilities
PHIL 138 Philosophy of Art
PHYS 050: Modern Physics
POLS 109: War, Memory, and Political Activism
POLS 180 Ancient & Modern Political Theory
POLS 181 Modern Political Theory
PSY 010 Research Methods
PSY 024/BIO 025 Animal Behavior
PSY 030 Social Psychology
SCSA 156 Ethnographic Methods
(previously Anthropology 156)
SCSS 082 Men, Masculinity and Movies
SCSS 133 Sociological Theory
SCSS 135 Technoscience Culture and
SCSS 151 Science, Cyborgs, & Monsters: Thinking Knowledge Projects for the New Millennium
SCSS 158 Social Science Statistics
(previously Sociology 158)
SCSS 159 Methods of Social Research
(previously Sociology 159)
SCSS 196/SCS 196/PSY 194 The
"Middle Kingdom" in a Global World:
Considering Family, Self, and Nation in a Changing China
STAT 060 Statistics for Pharmacy
STAT 072 Statistics II
STEM199: The History of Biology in France and England
THEA 005: Readings in Theatre

Engaged Citizen

Drake students will learn to participate effectively in democratic processes.

Democracy relies upon the participation of an engaged, knowledgeable and responsible citizenry. As preparation for active participation in public debate, Drake students learn to evaluate the mix of diverse values and interests that influence democratic decision-making. In a sophomore level course, students have the opportunity to bring diverse disciplines to bear in further developing the skills, knowledge, and dispositions that will lead them to be active stewards working for the common good of local, national and global communities.

This requirement will be fulfilled through coursework that challenges students to critically reflect upon the social, economic or political institutions and issues that shape the choices they will face as citizens. Instructors will provide students with opportunities to model democratic practices or public engagement through participatory activities organized in the classroom and/or community.

Courses that achieve this AOI will engage students to achieve at least two of the following four outcomes:

  1. Learn to evaluate the mix of diverse values and interests that influence democratic decision-making.
  2. Establish skills, knowledge, or dispositions that lead them to be active stewards for the common good.
  3. Critically reflect on the social, economic, or political issues that they will face as citizens.
  4. Learn democratic practices or public engagement through participatory activities organized in the classroom and/or in the community.

In order to take an Engaged Citizen AOI course, students must have 30 or more credit hours (sophomore standing).

Approved Course List:

ART 112 Race/Art/Citizenship: Curating Race
ART 145 Contemporary Textiles and Fibers
BIO 108 Emerging Infectious Diseases
BUS 067/HIST 067 Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa (summer term)
ECON 108/ENSS 108 – Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
ECON 109 Public Economics
ECON 115 Labor Economics
ECON 120 Regulation & Antitrust Policy
EDUC 140 Speech and the Classroom Teacher
EDUC 185 Ethical Tensions in Global Urbanization
EDUC 199 Education Opportunities for Children in a Developing Country
EDUC 199 Global Engagement: Service Learning in Belize
EDUC 199/299: Global Issues in Inclusive Education and the Role of Service-Learning
ENG 037 Public Voices
ENG 069 Rhetoric and Politics
ENG 070 Environmental Communication
ENG 083 English in America: Language, the Citizen, and National Identity
ENG 121 Rhetorics of Space and Place
ENG 138 Argumentation and Advocacy
ENG 199 Writing in Service & Prof Settings
ENSP 50 Species Conservation and Economic Development
ENSP 50 Poverty, Development, and the Environment
ENSP 051/PHSC 051 Energy and the Environment
ENSP 055 Tropical Ecology
ENSS 50: Sustainable Food Systems in Southern Spain
ENSS 119 Regional Ecology
HIST 168 U.S. Interventionism
HIST 170 The United States and Vietnam, 1945-1975: War, Dissent, and American Society
HIST 188 Urban Environmental History
HONR 140/REL 155 Liberation and Feminist Theologies
HSCI 106: Culture Care and Health Literacy
INTD 050: Vote Smart Internship
INTD 075 Community Dialogue and Development
INTD 085 Developing Democracy: Critical Issues in Creating Democratic Engagement
INTD 085 Explorations of Urban Poverty in Des Moines and New York
INTD 087 Disease, Dialogue, and Democracy
INTD 150 Leading With Emotional Intelligence
JMC 066 Media Responsibility Over Time
JMC 084 Brand Media Principles
JMC 085 Public Relations Principles
LEAD 100 Influence and Change
LIBR 085 Science and Democracy: Empower, Collaborate & Advance
LIB 099 Copyright Issues in the United States
LPS 100 Law and Social Change
LPS 135 Contemporary American Indian Law and Politics
LPS 135 Intergroup Dialogue on Race and Ethnicity
LPS 138 Reproductive Law and Politics in the U.S.: Dissent and the Possibility of Dialogue
MUS 119 Music and Politics
PHIL 124 Health and Social Justice
PHIL 151 Science, Values, and Democracy (topic specific)
POLS 075 World Politics
POLS 109 Coronavirus Governmental Responses Across the World 
POLS 113 The American Electoral Process
POLS 114 Public Opinion
POLS 115 President Nomination Process
POLS 116 Media and Modern Politics


POLS 121 The United Nations and Global Security
POLS 124 Revisiting the Vietnam War
POLS 125 Peacebuilding and Post-Conflict Justice
POLS 127 Global Public Health and World Politics
POLS 128 Nationalism and Politics in Eastern Europe
POLS 129 Transitions to Democracy
POLS 139 Comparative Asian Politics
POLS 151 The American Presidency
POLS 152 Congress and the Legislative Process
POLS 153 Judicial Politics
POLS 155 American Public Policy
POLS 156 Environmental Politics and Policy
POLS 157 Crime Politics and Policy in the US
POLS 160 Modern European Political Systems
POLS 162 Government and Politics of China
POLS 163 The Government and Politics of Japan
POLS 165 Government & Politics of Developing Nations
POLS 166 Comparative Political Parties and Interest Groups
POLS 167 Supreme Courts and Elections
POLS 168 Politics and Parliaments
POLS 170 International Law
POLS 171 Political Integration of Europe
POLS 173 Human Rights and World Politics
POLS 174 Global Migration
POLS 176 Gender and World Politics
POLS 179 American Foreign Policy
POLS 183 American Liberalism and Conservatism
POLS 185 American Political Theory
POLS 186 Politics and Religion
POLS 189 Topics/Pol Theory
POLS 190 Seminar in Constitutional Law
PSY 134 Ethno political Conflict and Peacemaking
REL 120 Black Christianity and Prophetic Politics
SCSS 071/ENSP 071:Environmentalism in the U.S.
SCSS 074 Debating Marriage in the Contemporary United States
SCSS 076 Making Families Public
SCSS 077 Art of the Interview
SCSS 080 Social Problems
SCSS 145 Food and Society
SCSS 150: Political Sociology in Two Contexts
SCSS 150 Digital Storytelling
SCSS 160: Jobs, Organizations and Inequality
SCSS 163/ENSS 163: Sustainable Communities
SCSS 175 Social Stratification
SCSS179: Sociology of Education
STAT 198 Using Statistics to Shape Health Policy
TESL 104 Strats Teach Eng/Lang Learners
WLC150: Learning about Immigrants
WS 075/ENG 75/SCSS 75 Introduction to Women's Studies 

Global & Cultural Understanding

Through understanding the interaction of knowledge, awareness, and cultural responsibility, Drake students will pursue the ideal wherein all persons have value and a voice. They will learn to examine aspects of society in relation to nationality, race, ethnicity, gender or culture, including the interactive nature of relations among people who differ according to these categories. Courses that fulfill this AOI will engage students to achieve at least two of these learning outcomes:
 1.  Identify and evaluate the fundamentals of international issues and events that shape the current world, influenced by geography, history, language, religion, and cultural values. 
2.  Recognize and understand major issues, concerns, and problems of super-national or global scope (including, but not limited to, environmental concerns, international business, peace and war, underdevelopment, population growth and decline, human rights); 
3.  Recognize and assess complexities within, and interactions among, current world nations, peoples, and cultures, and how these shape our global community.

Approved Course List:

ARAB 002: Beginning Arabic II
ARAB 052: Intermediate Arabic II
ART 104: Freedom/Slavery/Emancipation
ASL 002: American Sign Language II
ASL 070: Deaf Culture
BIO 111: Evolved Foodways
BUS 67/HIST 67/HONRS65: Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
BUS 70: Globalization
BUS 198: Issues in Global Business & Leadership: Panama
CHIN 002: Beginning Chinese II
CHIN052: Intermediate Chinese II
COUN 145/245: Understanding Diverse Populations
ECON 135: Developing Economies
EDUC 164/264: Perspectives on Race, Gender, and Culture
EDU 189 Spain and Morocco: Exploring the Intersection of Ethics and Culture
EDUC 199/299: Perspectives on Education in Finland
EDUC 199/299: Understanding Diverse Culture: Japan
ENG 20: Literature and Culture
ENG 60: British Identity in England
ENG 65: Introduction to African American Literature
ENG 071 Rhetorics of Race
ENG 079 Home and Belonging
ENG 158/HONS 175 Literature of South Africa
ENG 164: Latino/a Literature
ENG 165: Postcolonial Literature
ENG 168 Postcolonial Rhetorics
FREN 002: Beginning French II
FREN 052: Intermediate French II
FREN 151: National Identity
FREN 152: French Film
GERM 002: Beginning German II
GERM 052: Intermediate German II
GERM 151: National Identity
HSCI 104: Global Health
HIST 021: East Asia to 1600
HIST 022: East Asia Since
HIST 60: Africa in World History
HIST 123: Modern Mexico
HIST 124: Aztecs, Incas, and Mayas
HIST 125: Colonial Latin America
HIST 126: Modern Latin America
HIST 128: Imperial China
HIST 129: Modern China
HIST 135: History of Imperial Russia

HIST 136: The Old Regime and the French Revolution
HIST 138: History of the Soviet Union
HIST 152: European Enlightenment
HIST 156: Sex, Power, and War in the Aztec Empire
HIST 176: Nationalism in Modern European History
HSC 106: Culture Core and Health Literacy
JAPN 002: Beginning Japanese II
JAPN 052: Intermediate Japanese II
JMC 133: International Advertising
LEAD 110: Leadership at Sea
LPS 135: Wrongdoing and Punishment
MUS 081: World Music for Music Majors
MUS 160 Mexico: Cultural Immersion Through Music
POLS 065: Comparative Politics
POLS 109 Case Studies in Comparative and Transnational Human Rights
POLS 121: United Nations and Global Security
POLS 126: Political Economy of Globalization
POLS 127: Global Health
POLS 129: Transitions to Democracy
POLS 139: Comparative Asian Politics
POLS 162 The Government and Politics of China
POLS 174: Global Migration
REL 003: World Religions
REL 62: Religions of India
REL 64: Introduction to Buddhism
REL 67/HONRS 089: Religions of the Middle East
REL 114: Religions of Des Moines
REL 121/PHIL 121: Comparative Religions
REL 124: Inventing "Religion"
REL 125/PHIL 125: Philosophy of Religion
REL 151/SCSA 196: Religions of Africa
SCSA 002: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
SCSA 180: Global Political Violence
SCSS 20: Introduction to Race & Ethnic Relations
SPAN 002: Beginning Spanish II
SPAN 052: Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 151: National Identity
SPAN 152: Spanish Film
SPAN 160: Literature
WLC 148: Intercultural Communications
WLC 151/ADS 072: Introduction to African Diaspora Studies
WLC 154: Introduction to Chinese Culture

Historical Foundations

Historical Foundations: Drake Students will gain greater understanding of the historical foundations of the modern world and the interconnections of global cultures. Students will use historical analyses to study the interplay of multiple forces of change over time. Courses that count for this AOI will engage students to achieve at least two of these student learning outcomes. Students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the interplay of the fundamental historical forces (political, social, economic, cultural, scientific, and/or technological) that have shaped the contemporary world.
  2. Describe the historical processes that have contributed significantly to global change.
  3. Articulate an understanding of the histories of societies and cultures necessary to participate in an analysis of critical civic and global issues.
  4. Demonstrate critical reasoning skills necessary to analyze the lived realities of power and wealth differentials between industrialized and developing areas of the world.
  5. Reflect upon the nature of history itself as a product influenced by a nexus of forces, interests, and understandings, and on their own place within that historical context.

Approved Course List:

ACTS 198/MATH195 Risky Business
ART 075 Themes in Art History I
ART 076 Survey of Art History II
ART 103 Art of India,  and Japan
ART 104 Christian Art
ART 105 Italian Renaissance
ART 106 17th and 18th Century Art
ART 107 19th Century Art
ART 108 American Art History
ART 109 Modern Art History
ART 110 Art Since 1945
ART 112 Selected Topics in Art History
ART 112 Museums
ART 118 American Landscapes
COUN145/245: Counseling Diverse Populations
ECON 131 China's Economy
EDUC 199 Cyprus: Centuries of Globalization
EDUC 199/MSLD 252 Global and Team Leadership
ENG 40 Renaissance in Women
ENG 063 American Writing Since 1960
ENG 104 History of the English Language
ENG 124 Emergence of Mass Culture
ENG 126 Film/TV History & Criticism
ENG 130 Studies in Literary Genre: Murder, mystery, and the Gothic in England (J-Term Only)
ENG 146 19th Century British Lit
ENG 147 Twentieth Century British Literature
ENG 150 Advanced Topics in Theory and Criticism
ENG 151 Colonial American Literature: Salem Witch Trials
ENG 152 19th Century American Literature
ENG 155 20th Century American Literature
ENG 166 Literature of War
HIST 001 Passages to the Modern World, 1500-1750
HIST 002 Passages to the Modern World, 1750 to Present
HIST 005 World Environmental History
HIST 015 Intro Topics in History
HIST 021 East Asian History to 1600
HIST 022 East Asian History since 1600
HIST 041 Ancient Greece
HIST 042 Ancient Rome
HIST 060 Africa in World History
HIST 061 The Rise and Demise of Colonialism in Africa
HIST 071 Exploring US History Through Film
HIST 075 US History to 1877
HIST 076 US History 1877 to Present
HIST 079: The Cold War Through Popular Film
HIST 099/WS 130 Women in European History
HIST 105 Midwestern History
HIST 113 America as a World Power
HIST 114 The US from 1933 to Present
HIST 115 From Contact to Removal: American Indian History, 1492-1840
HIST 123 Modern Mexico
HIST 124 Aztecs, Incas and Mayas
HIST 125 Colonial Latin America
HIST 126 Modern Latin America
HIST 129 Modern China
HIST 128 Revolutions in 20th Century Asia
HIST 133 Nineteenth Century Europe
HIST 134 Contemporary Europe

HIST 135 History of the Soviet Union
HIST 136 The Old Regime and the French Revolution
HIST 137 France since 1799
HIST 138 History of the Soviet Union
HIST 140 Africa’s Colonial Women
HIST 151 Culture and History: American from the Depression to the McCarthy Era
HIST 152 European Enlightenment
HIST 153 Chinese Communist Revolution
HIST 155 Introduction to Marxism
HIST 157 Sex and Power in Peasant Societies
HIST 161 Africa, Africans and Atlantic Slavery
HIST 166 The Women Intellectual in the West
HIST 167 Religious History of the United States
HIST 169 The US and the Origins of the Cold War
HIST 172 Women and Gender in Early America
HIST 173 Women and Gender in Modern America
HIST 174 Civil War and Reconstruction
HIST 175 Slavery and Emancipation
HIST 176 Nationalism in Modern European History
HIST 189 US-Mexico Borderlands
HIST 194 Special Topics
INTD 085 Developing Democracy
JMC 99/INTD 99 Holocaust and Heritage
IS 172 Exploring the Silicon Prairie (J-term 2017)
MATH 157 History of Mathematics
MILS 005 American Military History
MUS 085 Music History I
MUS 160 Music and the Great War
POLS 109 War, Memory, and Political Activism
POLS 136 Racial Justice and Human Rights in the U.S. after WWII
POLS 172 Japan & the World: War & Memory
PSY 151 History and Systems of Psychology
REL 053 Life and Teachings of Jesus
REL 062 Religions of India
REL 151 Apocalyptic America in Film and Culture (effective 2/2016)
SCSS 122 Making Families Public
SCSS 130 Contemporary Chinese Society
(previously Sociology 130)
SCSS 157 Sociology of the Sixties
SPAN 153: Maya Culture & Society
STEM199/HONR136: The History of Biology in France and England
THEA 120 Theatre History I
THEA 121 Theatre History II
THEA 123 American Musical Theatre
AP - American History
AP - European History
IB - American History Higher Level
IB - American History Subsidiary
IB - European History Higher Level
IB - European History Subsidiary

Information Literacy

Information Literacy: Drake students will learn to acquire, analyze, interpret, and integrate information, employing appropriate technology to assist with these processes, and to understand the social and ethical implications of information use and misuse. Drake students will use appropriate sources, including library and internet resources, to process and evaluate information. Students will gain an understanding of the social and ethical issues encountered in a networked world, an ability to assess the quality of information, and learn appropriate ways to reference information sources. Students will be able to:

  1. Navigate and integrate scholarly resources into their research and reflection.
  2. Articulate the social and ethical implications of information use and misuse.
  3. Evaluate information resources and identify quality resources relevant to the problem or issue investigated.
  4. Select and employ the appropriate method and data for disciplinary research, problem-based learning, experiential-based research, and/or reflective/integrative coursework.
  5. Articulate the basic implications of information use and misuse related to issues of academic honesty and plagiarism and pursue their educational goals with a high level of academic integrity.

Approved Course List:

ACCT 166 Financial Accounting II
ACTS 170 Stat Modeling/Data Analysis II
ART 112 Special Topics in Art History
CS 010 Preview of Computer Science
CS 065 Introduction to Computer Science
CYB 010 Intro to Cybersecurity
ECON 170 Into to Econometrics
EDUC 109 Educational Technology
ENG 022 Critical Media Studies
ENSP 037 Environmental Case Analysis
FIN 197 Seminar in Finance
HSCI 160 – Survey of Evidence-Based Health Care
HSCI 172 Evaluating Research
JMC 030 Communications in Society
JMC 099 Social Media Strategies
LIBR 042 Information Literacy
LIBR 046 Information Literacy
LIBR 055: Information Literacy and the Walking Dead
LIBR066: Destination Thailand (J-term)
LIBR 072 What's Up Doc(umentory)?
LIBR 081: Communicating Science
LIBR 085 Science and Democracy: Empower, Collaborate & Advance
LIBR 120 Advanced Research Methods for the Humanities
and Social Sciences
LIBR 127 Research Women
LPS 135 John Grisham: Lessons in Law and Pop Culture
LPS 135 Toxic Torts
MGMT 170 International Management
MKTG 113: Marketing Research
PHAR 144 and 145: Basic Pharmacy Skills and Applications
1 and 2. BOTH are required to fulfill the AOI.
PSY 133 Psychological Assessment
SCSS 157 Sociology of the Sixties
SCSS 163 Global Youth Studies


Quantitative Literacy

Drake students will learn to reason with the symbols and components of mathematical languages as well as effectively use the principles that underlie these operations. Courses that satisfy this requirement will have mathematical reasoning as their principal focus. They may also address questions that engage learners with the world around them and help them to analyze quantitative claims that arise from the study of civic, political, scientific, or social issues. Quantitative literacy courses may be focused on the mathematical needs of a specific discipline or on a specific interdisciplinary issue or problem. These courses will engage students to achieve these student learning outcomes. Students will be able to:

  1. Analyze and present solutions to problems using symbols and components from mathematical languages and their underlying principles.
  2. Identify and execute appropriate mathematical operations for a given question.
  3. Evaluate claims based upon mathematical arguments.


Scientific literacy is crucial for understanding the iss

Approved Course List:

BIO 099 Biological Research & Statistical Methods
HSCI 060 Statistics in Health Sciences
MATH 017 The Spirit of Mathematics
MATH 020 College Algebra
MATH 024 Structure of Mathematics for Elementary Education 
MATH 025 Structure of Mathematics for Elementary Education II
MATH 028 Business Calculus
MATH 050 Calculus I
MATH 054 Discrete Mathematics
MATH 070 Calculus II
MATH 080 Linear Algebra
MATH 100 Calculus III
PHIL 114 Symbolic Logic
POLS 095 Methods in Politics
PSY 011 Introductory Statistics
STAT 050 Statistics for Social Sciences
STAT 060 Statistics for Life Sciences
STAT 071 Statistics I
STAT 072 Statistics II
AP - Math Calc A&B
AP - Math Calc B&C
AP - Stat
IB - Math Higher Level
IB - Math Subsidiary
CLEP - Calculus Elem Function

As of Fall 2011 we no longer accept credit for these three CLEP tests:
CLEP - College Algebra
CLEP - College Algebra/Trig
CLEP - Trigonometry

Scientific Literacy

Issues that affect the future for all people, locally, nationally, and globally. Drake students will gain a basic understanding of content, methods, and contributions of science through courses rooted in the content of the life/behavioral and physical sciences. Through significant exposure to experiment and theory, students will be able to meaningfully interpret and evaluate scientific information for personal and professional applications as engaged citizens. All courses that fulfill this AOI will engage students to achieve basic scientific literacy; individual courses will pursue the additional outcomes as appropriate to their disciplinary or interdisciplinary focus. Students will be able to:

  1. Apply the methods of science for the generation, collection, assessment, and interpretation of scientific date and/or phenomena.
  2. Use scientific methods and ways of thinking to solve problems.
  3. Describe scientific theories on cognitive and behavioral, intellectual, or physical development.
  4. Articulate the interrelationship of the development of human societies with the natural world around them.
  5. Articulate the relevance of science to the global community in order to serve as active stewards for the natural environment.

* Special rules for courses with SMCE prefix: SMCE courses integrate physical science, life science and math. The first SMCE course may be counted toward physical science or life science, but not both. A student taking two SMCE courses will be considered to have fulfilled the physical science, life science AND quantitative requirements. SMCE courses may be taken in any order.

Approved Course List:

Physical Science


Life/Behavioral Science

ASTR 001 Descriptive Astronomy (w/optional lab)
BIO 021 Sports STEM
CHEM 001/003 General Chemistry I w/lab
CHEM 006/007 Chemistry for the Informed Citizen w/lab
CHEM 97/98 Organic Chemistry I w/lab
CHEM 108/110 Organic Chemistry II w/lab
ENSP 022 Meteorology: The Science of Weather
ENSP 027 Environmental Hazards
ENSP 041/GEOL 001 Principles of Geology
ENSP 105 Environmental Geology
ENSP 135 Global Climate Change: Science and Policy Issues
ENSS 50: Sustainable Food Systems in Southern Spain
PHSC 001 Physical Science I
PHSC 051 Energy and the Environment
PHY 001 Intro Physics I
PHY 005 Intro Topics in Physics
PHY 011 General Physics I
SMCE 001 Science and Math for Civic Engagement: Nutrition*
SMCE 002 Science and Math for Civic Engagement: The Iowa Environment*
STEM 107 Science Content & Pedagogy for Elem Teachers I
STEM 108 Science Content & Pedagogy for Elem Teachers II
STEM 109 Science Content & Pedagogy for Elem Teachers III
STEM 112 Place-based Integrated Science(Jterm)
AP - Chemistry
AP - Physics B
AP - Physics C Elec & Mag
AP - Physics C Mechanics
IB - Chemistry Higher Level
IB - Chemistry Subsidiary
IB - Physics Higher Level
IB - Physics Subsidiary
CLEP - Chemistry General


BIO 001/001L Biological Sciences w/lab
BIO 012/012L General and Pre-Professional Biology w/lab
BIO 013/013L General and Pre-Professional Biology II w/lab
BIO 019/BIO 019L Intro to Botany w/lab
BIO 021 Sports STEM
BIO 21/21L: Personal Genomics
BIO 030 Personal Fitness & Nutrition
BIO 092/092L Ethnobotony w/ lab
BIO 111 Evolved Foodways
CHEM 006/007 Chemistry for the Informed Citizen w/lab
CHEM 97/98 Organic Chemistry I w/lab
CHEM 108/110 Organic Chemistry II w/lab
COUN 160 Medical & Psychological Aspects of Disability
ENSP 035/036 One Earth: Global Environmental Science w/lab
ENSP 055 Tropical Ecology
ENSS 50: Sustainable Food Systems in Southern Spain
ENSS 119 Regional Ecology
HSCI 148 – Exercise Testing and Prescription
NSCI001: Intro to Neuroscience: Scientific Literacy
PSY 001 Intro to Psychology
SMCE 001 Science and Math for Civic Engagement: Nutrition*
SMCE 002 Science and Math for Civic Engagement: The Iowa Environment*
STEM 107 Science Content & Pedagogy for Elem Teachers I
STEM 108 Science Content & Pedagogy for Elem Teachers II
STEM 109 Science Content & Pedagogy for Elem Teachers III
STEM 112 Place-based Integrated Science (J-term)
AP - Biology
AP - Psychology
IB - Biology Higher Level
IB - Biology Subsidiary
CLEP - Biology Genera

Values and Ethics

Drake students will learn to recognize ethical issues and to reflect critically upon the demands of conscience. They will develop as reflective practitioners with an understanding of the larger goals of stewardship inherent in their professional endeavors, and have a sense of obligation that extends to beyond the self. They will develop an understanding of the skills and knowledge necessary to anticipate the consequences of actions as well as an understanding of the dispositions necessary to develop a commitment to ethical conduct. Students will develop the basic tools required to question themselves and others in a responsible manner and to evaluate the ethical implications of both collective and personal choices.

Courses that fulfill this AOI will meet at least two of these student learning outcomes. Students will be able to:

  1. Recognize and reflect critically on ethical issues.
  2. Identify values that underlie human activities.
  3. Articulate ethical issues that arise in their professional or civic life.
  4. Articulate relevant ethical issues and apply them in developing solutions for critical problems and questions.
  5. Articulate a reasoned vision of their own values or core beliefs.

Approved Course List:

BIO 021/PHY 025/PSY 095 Science, Ethics
and Diversity (Spring 2008 to present)
BLAW 060 Business Law
BUS 090 Business Ethics
CS 083 Ethical and Social Issues and Computing
EDUC 103 Foundations of Education
EDUC 174 Safety in Academic Science Labs
EDU 189 Spain and Morocco: Exploring the Intersection of Ethics and Culture
EDUC 198 Educational Equity and Social Justice
ENG 078 Public Feelings
ENG 167 Rhetorics of War
ENSP 157 Environmental Justice
HSCI 105 Issues in Health Sciences IV: Bioethics
HSCI 150: Intro US Health Care
JMC 104 Communications Law and Ethics
LPS 135 Wrongdoing & Punishment
OTD 256 Advanced Clinical Reasoning & Ethics
PHAR 162 Pharmacy Law & Ethics
PHIL 090 Ethics
PHIL 091 Contemporary Ethical Problems
PHIL 117 Bio-Medical Ethics
PHIL 118 Feminist Ethics
PHIL 137 Rights and Responsibilities
PHIL151: Business Ethics


POLS 125 Peacebuilding and Post-Conflict Justice
POLS 173 Human Rights & World
POLS 175: Human Trafficking
PSY 145 Applied and Professional Ethics in Psychology (previously PSY 195)
REL 140 Ecological Ethics
REL 151: Confucianism and Human Rights
SCSR 118: Rhetorics of the American Family
SCSS 146 Restorative Justice
SCSS 071:/ENSP 071: Environmental Movements
SCSS 100: Doing Morality (previously Soc 100)
SCSS 146/HONR 146: Restorative Justice
SCSS 164/HONR 157: Feminism, Nature, Matter
SCSS 170 Deviance (previously Soc 170)
SCSS 174 Being and Power: Feminist Theories of Subjectivity (previously Soc 174)

Written Communication

Drake students will learn to read with discrimination and understanding and to write persuasively.

Drake students will learn to shape their writing according to subject, purpose, medium, context and intended audience.

This area of inquiry may be satisfied by a single course, provided that writing is a significant component of the course, significant attention is directed towards the teaching of writing, and a significant portion of the student's grade focuses on the quality of writing, independent of the subject matter.

Approved Course List:

BUS 098 Professional Communications
ENG 038 Literary Study
ENG 039 Writing Seminar
ENG 042 Approaches to American Literature (before 1900)
ENG 044 Approaches to British Literature (before 1900)
ENG 056 The Classic Then and Now
ENG 058 Reading Shakespeare
ENG 061 Approaches to American Literature (after 1900)
ENG 062 Approaches to British Literature (after1900)
ENG 082 AI in Fiction
ENG 086 Reading & Writing Sexuality
ENG 088 Reading and Writing about Class
ENG 090 Reading & Writing Drama
ENG 091 Reading & Writing Poetry
ENG 092 Reading & Writing the Short Story
ENG 093 Reading & Writing Non-Fiction
ENG 094 Business & Admin. Communication
ENG 107 Teaching & Tutoring Writing
ENG 109 Prose Stylistics


ENG 111 Reading & Writing the Personal Essay
ENG 112 Autobiography and Memoir
ENG 116 Creative Writing for New Media
ENG 118 Reading and Creating Comics
ENG 119 Community Writing
ENG 199 Writing in Serv. & Prof Setting
HIST 100 Doing History: The Historian’s Craft
INTD 121: Framing Race: Repair and Reparations
JMC 054 Reporting & Writing Principles
JMC 091 Magazine Article Writing
JMC 123 Public Relations Writing
JMC 124 Advertising Copywriting
POLS 192 Senior Seminar on International Relations Theory
PSY012 Writing in Psychology
REL 053 Life and Teachings of Jesus
SCSS042: Sociological Inquiry
THEA 006: Playwriting I
AP - English Lit
AP - Composition


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February 28, 2025